Workout of the Day

Liz Terry Liz Terry

3/3-3/8: Woot!

Thank you to everyone that participated in the FCCF Open this past week! Congratulations for showing up and getting the job done. If you’re among those that used a #35 or #50 dumbbell for the first time or completed more rounds or reps than you thought — you DID that!


Coach Mike Olasov demonstrates proper dumbbell clean and jerk technique to the Saturday 10:30am group.

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Liz Terry Liz Terry

Open Week 1: Here We Go!

It’s here! The first week of our Fog City Open. Read below for the workout, movement tips, and strategy. We’ll see you in the gym on Saturday!

Open Workout 1
AMRAP 15 minutes:
3 lateral burpees over the dumbbell
3 DB hang clean-to-overheads (50/35 lbs RX or 35/20 lbs scaled)
Walking lunges (30 ft)
– Walking lunge is 15 ft out and 15 ft back
– After completing each round, add 3 reps to the burpees and hang clean-to-overheads.


Sign up on MB like you normally would and register for the leaderboard! We'll partner up and run 2 heats per class with up to 11 people per heat.  One partner will do the workout, while the other counts reps and judges for standards then switch. If you know you need extra time, come a bit early to get yourself warm and cheer people on.


Burpees over the DB:

  • Standard: chest and thighs touch the ground, make sure to jump over the DB, not around it. For the jump, both feet must be off the ground, but there is no requirement to take off or land on 2 feet.

  • Know where to put your hands so that when you stand up, your feet are right next to the DB (not your hands).  (Likely DB next to your hips when you’re at the bottom.)

  • Unless you’re a burpee ninja, considering stepping down and/or up to keep your heart rate in check and as a pacing mechanism.

  • Stay low! There is no standard to stand up all the way on the burpee, so don’t do more work than you need to.

  • Avoid worming to protect your lower back: lead with the chest hitting the ground and your butt on the way up.

DB Hang Clean to Overhead:

  • Standard: First rep can start from the ground, for reps from the hang: DB must be below the hips with working arm straight, DB must be brought to the rack position before going overhead, and the rep finishes with knees, hip, and elbow fully extended and DB in line with the body. Your nonworking hand cannot touch your body or the DB.

  • Have a plan for switching hands: you can either do a specific number on each hand or alternate each rep. It’s faster for most to do a big set on each arm instead of alternating.

  • Use momentum and save energy: go straight from the clean into the jerk (not standing up then re-dipping). Catch the clean in the dip position so you’re ready for the jerk.


  • Standard: start and finish each 15’ segment with both feet beyond the line, the trailing knee must touch the ground, fully extend knees and hips at the top of each rep.

  • Use these as an opportunity to breathe and prepare for the next set. Think active recovery for your upper body and your lungs.

  • Make sure you stand up all the way on each lunge, even if you’re not pausing at the top of each rep.

  Pacing: slow is smooth and smooth is fast!

  • Expect the first few rounds to fly by! But things will escalate quickly when the reps hit double digits, so: starting off a little slower and aiming to maintain that pace will be better in the long run. Do not burn out in the first 3 minutes!!

  • This is really a burpee workout, so try your best to pace them from the start. Pick a pace that is uncomfortable but sustainable.

  • If you’re an experienced athlete, maintain unbroken DB hang clean-to-overhead for as many sets as possible (switching hands only as needed). It’s better to switch arms than put the DB down. Break only if necessary for a quick shake.

  • If you’re newer, break your clean-to-overhead into manageable sets as the rounds go along (e.g. 7-5, 8-7).

  • Slowing down a little and catching your breath on the lunges will set you up for faster burpees and clean-to-overheads.


We will have scaling options for everyone! Remember though, that any reps at RX beat all scores at scaled! So, if you’re able to do some of the clean to overheads at the RX weight, do it! If you hit the wall on them but want to keep doing the workout, tell your judge you’re done with the RX version and switch out whichever movement is limiting you.

Here’s to our first week of having fun, cheering on your friends, and challenging yourself.

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Liz Terry Liz Terry

2/24-3/1: It's Open Time!

It’s that time of year again and our Fog City Open kicks off THIS WEEK! If you haven’t already, don’t forget to sign up here

What is it?

The Open is a yearly event where we all get to test our fitness. Each week, there is a workout that everyone completes. We’ll have a Fog City leaderboard and scores can be compared to the CrossFit Open leaderboard worldwide. There are divisions for Rx, Scaled, Foundations, Masters, and more, so there's a place for everyone! For more information about our decision to host our own Fog City Open, please see our recent blog post.

Why should you sign up? 

When we choose to enter a competition, we see amazing things happen – people trying their hardest, striving towards a goal, supporting each other, and accomplishing feats they’ve never done before. So we hope you’ll join us in taking that step of putting yourself out there, giving your best, and being proud of your accomplishments!


Our Saturday classes will look a little different: we’ll be running heats of the open workout instead of our usual partner WODs on 3/1, 3/8, & 3/15. But as usual, sign up in MindBody for 8:00, 9:15 or 10:30AM each week. When you get to class, we’ll go over the workout, provide scaling options, get you warmed up and then we’ll start the official heats!! We’ll have judges to count your reps and sign off on your participation. Expect to do the workout during one heat and judge/count for a fellow classmate during another heat.

Participate & celebrate

If you haven’t participated in the Open before, it is A LOT OF FUN and ALL LEVELS are WELCOME! The energy in the gym is amazing, athletes often get their “first” of different movements, and of course there’s cheering and encouragement from the whole community! If you just want to come and help out by counting and cheering, please stop on by. And new for this year: we will create teams based on your usual class time and we’ll crown the fittest class time!

We’ll be celebrating the end of the Open with a party with prizes for performance and fun! It’s open to everyone, even if you don’t participate in the Open. (Details to come.)

SEE YOU ON SATURDAY! (PS: Don’t forget to sign up.)

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Lindsey Whitehouse Lindsey Whitehouse

2/17-2/22: It's almost time...

…for the Fog City CF Open!

From Feb 27 to Mar 17, we are hosting 3 weeks of the same WODs that CrossFit is doing for their Open. Sign up here! Please reach out with any questions or feedback:  Excited to see you all in the arena. :)

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Lindsey Whitehouse Lindsey Whitehouse

2/10-2/15: Join us at the Fog City CF 2025 Open, Feb 27-Mar 17!

Big news: we are hosting our own FCCF Open this year from Feb 27 to Mar 17! Sign up here!

Our choice to host our own as opposed to participating in the traditional CrossFit HQ Open is in response to CrossFit’s terrible new anti-trans policy. More details here:

  • Fog City CF will not participate in the 2025 CrossFit Open due to CrossFit HQ's new gender classification policy, which contradicts Fog City's values of inclusion and safety.

  • The new policy requires individuals to register with their birth-assigned gender and allows anonymous challenges to gender and performance validity.

  • Fog City CF will host our own Open event with the same CrossFit Open WODs, various competition levels, and prizes Feb 27-Mar 17. Sign up here!

  • We will encourage donations to LGBTQ+ organizations in lieu of officially signing up for the Open with CrossFit.

Full statement here.  Please reach out to us if you'd like to discuss by emailing  Thank your support and understanding!

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Liz Terry Liz Terry

1/13-1/18: New Programming Cycle

This week we’re starting a new programming cycle! Here's what you can expect over the next 9 weeks:

Dedicated Strength 2x/week (days will vary):

  • Lifting & Aerobic + Complementary Accessory Work → Build strength in squatting, pressing, and pulling paired with accessory work that will make it a full-body day.

  • Clean and Jerk Variations + Unilateral Accessory Work → Develop consistency in these lifts, improve positions, and build explosive power. The unilateral (single leg/arm) focus will work imbalances and develop well-rounded strength.


  • 2-3 days of classic varied high intensity workouts, short to medium length

  • 1 long day with lower intensity and sustained effort. These will feature carries and some other "grunt" work.

  • Sweaty Saturday Partner workouts

Accessory/Skill Work:

  • Classic post-workout focuses: midline, shoulder, and recovery/stretching

  • Skill-focuses: work on developing specific skills during warm-up progressions or post-WOD skill focuses

And here are this week’s workouts:

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Liz Terry Liz Terry

1/6-1/11: Here we go, 2025!

Here we go with our first full week of 2025! We hope you had a restful holiday season and we’re looking forward to seeing you in the gym and settling back into your routines.

A reminder that we are running our annual January Healthy Habits Challenge!

We encourage you to pick a habit (or a few!) that you want to strengthen or develop anew in 2025. Pick up a tracking sheet at the gym and add a sticker when you’ve accomplished a goal for the day. Some possible new and/or improved habits include: 

  • Less/no booze

  • Drink more water

  • Sleep more

  • Less refined sugar

  • Build consistency: Come to FCCF 3+ times/week

  • Pick your own!

We will be raffling off prizes at the end of January for participants, so come on in and get those healthy habits going!

And here are this week’s workouts…

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Liz Terry Liz Terry

12/30-1/4: Happy 2025!

🥳 Happy 2025! 

Hope you’re enjoying the weirdest, most time-bending week of the year! A few reminders: 

  • We are running a limited schedule through 1/5/25 but will plan to have 2-4 classes each day depending on sign-ups. 

  • Please sign up the day before classes as we may cancel based on no sign-ups.

  • New Year’s Day we are planning to have 8am and 9:15am classes to do “The Chief” WOD!

  • Our next free New Member onboarding is Saturday, 1/4/25 at 12pm, so tell your friends to sign up here

💪 Annual Healthy Habits Challenge!

We are kicking off our annual January Healthy Habits challenge this week on 1/1/25! We encourage you to pick a habit (or a few!) that you want to strengthen or develop anew in 2025. Pick up a tracking sheet at the gym and add a sticker when you’ve accomplished a goal for the day. Some possible new and/or improved habits include: 

  • Less/no booze

  • Drink more water

  • Sleep more

  • Less refined sugar

  • Build consistency: Come to FCCF 3+ times/week

  • Pick your own!

We will be raffling off prizes at the end of January for participants, so come on in and get those healthy habits going!

And here are this week’s workouts…

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Liz Terry Liz Terry

12/23-12/28 End of Year Updates

🎄🕎🥳 Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! 

It was great to see so many of you at the holiday party and workouts the last couple of weeks! We hope you have a great holiday season and are able to do something that energizes you, whether that’s catching up on rest, traveling, seeing friends & family, or all of the above! Here are a few announcements to keep in mind over the break: 

  • We are running a limited schedule 12/23/24 - 1/5/25, but will plan to have 2-4 classes each day depending on sign-ups. 

  • Please sign up the day before classes as we may cancel based on no sign-ups.

  • We will not have any classes on Christmas Day. Annual members with off-hours access are welcome to come in per usual.

  • New Year’s Day we are planning to have 8 and 9:15am classes to do The Chief

  • Our next free New Member onboarding is Saturday, 1/4/25 at 12pm, tell your friends to sign up here

💪 Annual Healthy Habits Challenge!

We’ll be kicking off our annual January Healthy Habits challenge on 1/1/25! We encourage you to pick a habit (or a few!) that you want to strengthen or develop anew in 2025. Pick up a tracking sheet at the gym and add a sticker when you’ve accomplished a goal for the day. Some possible new and/or improved habits include: 

  • Less/no booze

  • Drink more water

  • Sleep more

  • Less refined sugar

  • Build consistency: come to FCCF 3+ times/week

  • Pick your own!

We will be raffling off prizes at the end of January for participants, so come on in and get those healthy habits going!

🆒 Coach Callouts

  • Welcome to Noah Atad who has joined our coaching staff! He’s an MFA student at the Academy of Art University and former Sergeant in the U.S. Army.

  • Congratulations to Michael Ly for competing at the SPS First-timers Weightlifting meet and setting a new PR!

  • Congratulations to members Alyssa Fua and Michelle Domingo who earned their CrossFit Level 1 certifications and are training to become FCCF coaches!

  • Farewell to Coach Walker Thompson who has moved back to Arkansas with his family, we’ll miss you!

And here are this week’s workouts…

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