SAAB V & The Women's Heath Run 10 Feed 10


Congrats to Kim and her fellow badass Masters buddies, Sally & Hildy, for teaming-up and throwing down at the "Strong As A Bear V" competition at Tamalpais CrossFit!  Their team finished 11th overall, showing folks that it wasn't just their outfits that deserved attention:   

Women's Health Run 10 Feed 10

Over a dozen Arena Ready athletes will be running in the Women's Health Run 10 Feed 10 event this Saturday (Oct 29th).  A portion of each runner's registration fee for the 10K event will be used to provide meals for 10 hungry people, and if you'd like to join some of your Arena Ready buddies at the event it's not too late!  The event is holding a flash sale on registration fees and you can register right now (as of Sunday evening) for $27.50 by clicking here on the Run 10 Feed 10 website.    

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

WOD for 10-24-16:

EMOM For 3 Rounds (9 Minutes):

MINUTE 1: 18/15 Calorie Row

MINUTE 2: 15 Unbroken Overhead Squats, pick load (no rack)

MINUTE 3: 100m Run


Use the same overhead squat weight across all 3 rounds and snatch the bar from the floor. Choose a weight that you can do all 15 reps unbroken with solid position.  To spice things up run faster.




AMRAP 9 Minutes:

12 Toes-to-Bar

15 Kettlebell Swings @ 70/53 lbs

18 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10 ft


Both men & women use a 10 ft wall ball target.

Jenny Morgan