Sunday Yoga & Camp Sparkle Gone Fishing
Sunday Yoga
Dani is leading a Yoga "make-up" class this Sunday (October 30th) at 9:00am. Sign-up, come on in, and get your yoga on before (or instead of) Open Gym! Not sure what to expect? Click here and read a little about what Dani's Yoga classes are all about. Yoga classes are free for Arena Ready members so take advantage and your body will thank you for it!
Camp Sparkle Returns Nov. 5th
Reminder that there will be no Camp Sparkle this Saturday (October 29th) due to the Women's Health Run 10 Feed 10 event, and the Saturday Sparkle-Hosted Post Run Brunch to follow (check the Arena Ready private Facebook group for more details on that get-together). Fear not, parents, Camp Sparkle will be back in action on Saturday November 5th at 8:00am.
WOD for 10-28-16:
Alternating EMOM For 5 Rounds (10 Minutes):
MINUTE 1: Strict Supine Grip Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups, PICK REPS
MINUTE 2: Dumbbell OR Kettlebell Turkish Get-up (1R/ 1L), PICK LOAD
For Time:
Handstand Push-ups
Ring Dips
(Compare to 09-25-15 and 07-23-13)