Feel Better & See You Soon

It's officially November so 'tis the season of colds and sickness - and some of us have already been hit with some nasty sneezes and coughs.  As a gym we're pretty good about most everyone coming in consistently to work out, and we're grateful to have a membership that generally frowns on excuses.  You guys and gals are pretty badass in that regard, and there a few things I respect more than someone who doesn't make excuses.

That said (man, there's that phrase... haha), if you are sick or know that you're getting sick PLEASE stay home and rest.  And, of course, feel better soon.  Coming in to the gym and exposing everyone around you to what you have is a good way to take a bunch of people out of commission for a while - so take some time off (hopefully it won't be too much) and focus on getting healthy again ASAP.  And tell that hard working coworker of yours who's hell-bent on putting in "face time" at the office that you don't appreciate him sneezing on your Swingline in-between his Facebook timeline refreshes or Fantasy Football line-up changes.  C'MON MAN!!!

Thanks for your consideration.

WOD for 11-01-16:

Power Clean + Push Press + Jerk:

5 Sets of (1+1+1)

Climbing as technique allows. Jerks may be push/power or split.




"No Beans"

6 Rounds For Time @ 115/75 lbs:

10 Deadlifts

10 Push Presses

10 Lateral Bar Burpees


(Compare to 11-04-15)



Jenny Morgan