Kim's Letter To Her Younger Self

Please note our holiday class schedule through Jan 2nd (click here for details).

Kim was kind enough to send us some of her thoughts as 2016 draws to a close - it's an insightful post, and one we are grateful to her for sharing with us.  So here they are, in her own words... 

Every year, as we get closer to the New Year, I like to take some time to write down my goals for the coming year mostly as it relates to fitness.  For example, when I was doing marathons, I liked to plan my races and make some stretch goals for finish times, Boston qualifier, etc.  For triathlon, the elusive 2:00/100yd or biking 20mph/56 miles were always on my goals list and though I never got the swim time down that far, I did manage to hit lots of my goals.  When I discovered CrossFit, darned if I didn’t do the same thing with different lifts and gymnastic movements. 

This year is a little bit different, as I am scheduled for a shoulder procedure that will hopefully make some of my goals easier to attain in coming years but for now, I thought it might be cool to take a slightly different approach.

This is inspired by my 30 year old friend, Lisa, who recently wrote a letter to her 26 year old self and shared it with her friends.  I smiled when I read it, as she is so young, but yet, so wise.

Letter to my younger (30 year old) self:
I wish I could tell you that the next 20 years will be smooth sailing, that you’ll find success in love and life with butterflies and rainbows and be surrounded by all of the people that are dear to you when you are my age (51), but sadly some of them will be gone.
I wish I could somehow lead you away from choices that might delay your happiness, that might lead you straight to trouble with a capital T, but then you wouldn’t have a chance to overcome all of that adversity and find your way back to your best self.
Instead, I can tell you that you will definitely learn from your mistakes.  You will forget to save up for your estimated taxes that first year that you girls actually make money, and yes, the IRS will cut you a deal and you will be able to pay it back with interest, but you will never forget to save for them again. 
When you lose your best friend at the age of 35, you’ll be in so much despair, you’ll have to make a choice to either live or die.  And I’m so proud that you’ll choose life.   
And live, you will.  While that year will be one of the hardest you will have to endure, it will also be the year that you discover the love of your life and decide to be brave and forthcoming to yourself, your family and the world as they know you.  
You will run marathons, race triathlons, and make friends to last a lifetime.  You will get injured and recover, rinse and repeat…but you will never give up the hope of one day doing something very special.
You will lose your Dad to illness much earlier than either of you ever thought and you will regret not thanking him for every single ride, fixed appliance, phone call, high five and hug that he ever gave you.  You will wish him back in your world so many times and you’ll still hear his voice 4 years later.  But don’t be sad, he will watch over you and keep you safe.
You will find a new exercise regimen that becomes so much more than exercise because of the people who you will meet at your gym, Arena Ready.  They will become your inspiration, your friends, and your workout family.  
You will choose to have a shoulder surgery at the age of 51 so you can keep doing things like muscle ups and ring dips.  You don’t even know what those things are right now, but I assure you, they will become important to you.
You will have joy.  You will laugh and you will cry.  Most of all, enjoy every moment and don’t give up that hope of someday doing something special.  You might just surprise yourself.  

WOD for 12-30-16:

For Time:

400m Run

"Fran" @ 75/55 lbs

400m Run

"Fran @ 75/55 lbs

400m Run


"Fran" is:

21-15-9 Reps of...




(Compare to 07-18-15)

Workout courtesy of CrossFit Linchpin.

Jenny Morgan