Open Logistics: When, What, How
The Open starts this Thursday, February 25th, and continues through Monday, March 28th. During these five weeks there are some notable items for our Arena Ready members:
Thursdays, 5pm - Live Open Workout Announcements
These will take place at 5 predetermined locations, and will feature top-level CF Games athletes going head-to-head against each other. We will live stream the announcements at Arena Ready for anyone who wants to share the excitement & anxiety with AR friends.
Thursdays, 7pm - Gladiator Test Run / Traveling Competitors Open Workout
This is a time intended for people who are approaching the Open as a competitive event to pre-test the workout. If you'd like to participate, but don't typically attend Gladiator classes, please speak with a coach prior to attending. Athletes who are officially entered in the Open but are traveling over the weekend (and cannot complete the workout on Saturday or Sunday) can potentially do the workout during this time period.
Saturdays, 8am, 9am, 10am, 11am - Open Workouts During Class
These classes will be of a slightly different format than our typical Saturday classes, and similar to what we've done for the past three years. Athletes will be asked to sign-up for a specific class time, and once at class, to sign-up on the board for a specific heat time. We'll provide a self-directed warm-up, you'll have a chance to complete the workout, and then have a chance to judge/count for a classmate. If you're interested in completing the Online Judges Course that would be much appreciated, but it is not required.
Sundays, 9am, 10am - Open Gym
Athletes who cannot complete the Open workout on Saturday with the rest of the gym may complete it on Sunday during Open Gym. We ask that you pre-arrange for a gym buddy to serve as your judge, and sign-up for class as usual to save your spot.
Mondays, 5pm - Open Workout Submission Deadline
All workouts must be completed, and all scores must be submitted by this time, no exceptions. We can't submit your scores for you, so please make sure you get them in by the deadline!
***Athletes who are entered in the Open but cannot complete the week's workout on Thursday (at 7pm), Saturday (at 8am, 9am, 10am, or 11am), or Sunday (at 9am or 10am) should contact Coaches Sarah & Rob to see if another date/time can be arranged. Doing the workout during another day/time is not allowed without clearing it with us first - this is intended for athlete safety, respect for the group classes, and maintenance of the integrity of judging & movement standards.
You can still register for The Open through the CrossFit Games website here (registration cost is $20):
When registering yourself please be sure to select Arena Ready CrossFit as BOTH your affiliate and your team, so that your profile appears on our team roster. There are a couple of you who have already signed-up and are currently registered under our affiliate but not under our team - so please double-check!
WOD for 02-25-16:
Strict Press:
For Time:
BUY-IN: 50 Calorie Row
KB Swings @ 53/35 lbs
BUY-OUT: 400m Run