Brian Documents 16.5

First off, for those of you who looked at yesterday's WOD and thought (perhaps for a second day in a row) "Oh hell no!" and bailed on training... well, Happy Belated April Fool's Day.  Hopefully you came in anyway and were pleasantly surprised by getting your power clean & jerk and sprint met-con fix on to start your weekend right!  Did you really think I would do that to you?!  I'd like to think I'm not that mean (or stupid, I hope).  Originally I thought the 50-40-30-20-10 portion in the middle was enough to tip most people off that it was a prank, but adding 1 MILE OF WALKING LUNGES AS A BUY-IN was my way of hopefully making it obvious enough that no one actually skipped class entirely out of pure fear (or disgust) alone.     

Secondly, a quick and final reminder to please join us for the "Post Open" Get Together on Saturday evening - check out Coach Sarah's thread in the private Arena Ready Facebook group here for details on exact location and time, or chat us up in the gym on Saturday morning so that we can fill you in on the specifics.

And finally, we leave you this weekend with what could be Brian's finest work this year during the Open - his film documenting 16.5 at Arena Ready.  It's pure awesomesauce.  We are so lucky to have these moments and memories captured by both Brian and Jenny, and we're grateful to have them as a part of the AR community.  Enjoy! 

WOD for 04-02-16:


AMRAP 18 Minutes:

30 Deadlifts @ 135/95 lbs

20 Front Squats

10 Shoulder-to-Overhead

Athlete 1 and 2 start on the triplet, with only one working at a time. Athlete 3 starts on the rower and rows 500m before switching with a teammate. One teammate must always be rowing, and must always switch after 500m.  Score is total rounds + reps of the triplet completed.

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