SKWATS: The Next 8 Weeks
The 2016 Open is now in our rearview mirror and accordingly - as we do several times throughout the year - we start to guide the "constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity" ship in a slightly different, targeted direction. Those of you who really geek-out on programming, and/or who have been with us for a several years, may have a sense of the phases and cycles that weave their way into and out of the general programming throughout the year. Some pieces are very obvious, others not so much, and some we (believe it or not) intentionally "hide" in the fabric of the workouts and weekly/monthly programming in an effort to make the overall program as simple & elegant as possible while also allowing for vicious/evil/wicked intensity. This presents the opportunity for "flat out go hard" as often as possible for the individual athlete, assuming that consistent training, sound mechanics, and intelligent scaling are all in play. The goal of all of this is simple - increased fitness ("work capacity across broad times and modal domains") and a elevated state of general physical preparedness (GPP).
One of the components over the next couple of months will be an 8-week squat program. The program will have us squatting (from the rack) twice per week, Tuesdays and Fridays. In the past we have rotated squat days on different days of the week during our squat programs, mostly to keep the complimentary movements & workouts fresh and to allow for an element of variance surrounding the structured cycle. This time around we have chosen to set the days on Tuesday & Friday for several reasons: 1) it allows for a "flex" day on Sunday Open Gym if you are unable to make one of the sessions during the week; 2) it works quite well for our competitive Olympic-style weightlifters who train 3x per week (in addition to CF class) at Barbell Club; and 3) it gives all athletes, who truly want to complete the program from beginning to end, advanced notice of training days and exactly what to expect in order to complete the cycle.
More info to come here and in class. If you're the type of person who likes to get into the nitty gritty of it all feel free to contact us or chat us up at the gym. If you couldn't care less about the method behind all the madness and/or are perfectly content just showing up, trying hard, and trusting the program then just keep doing what you do. Either way get your butt in here and have fun getting even stronger, fitter, and faster over these next couple of months!
WOD for 04-11-16:
Climbing (add to your top set from 03-28-16 if possible)
7-10 Hollow Rocks
"Running Christine"
3 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
12 Deadlifts @ Bodyweight
21 Box Jumps @ 24/20 in
(Compare to 04-30-15 and 09-29-14)