How To Watch The 2016 Regionals
A reminder that the 2016 CrossFit Games California "Super" Regional will stream live (and will also be archived) on the CrossFit Games website this weekend from Friday through Sunday - click here for full details on how to stream the competition.
As we posted earlier this week, Coach Sarah's Day 1 (Friday) scheduled heat times for Events 1 and 2 are 12:10pm and 2:25pm PT, respectively. Heats for Days 2 and 3 of the competition will be re-ordered based on standings, so we'll be sure to update you here on the blog regarding heat times as the weekend progresses.
Meanwhile here's a little Throwback Thursday gem from last year's Regional (click here for the video) - Sarah being interviewed after winning Event 5 and setting the worldwide record. #ThugLife
WOD for 05-12-16:
With a Partner For Time:
BUY-IN: 1000m Run
Then, 3 Rounds of...
20 Ring Dips
30 Hang Power Cleans @ 135/95 lbs
40 AbMat Sit-ups
BUY-OUT: 1000m Run
Only one partner working at a time. The runs and movement reps are split in any fashion partners wish (does not have to be exactly even).