That Look

That look you give your judge when you touch-and-go 175 (click for the video link) and take the bar for a little walk. #SmileLikeSarah #CrossFitGames

Only three sessions left in our squat program and it's getting REAL around these parts.  So Friday's programming is another little twist designed to keep you moving (while staying on task), get your entire body ready for the loading, and set you up for success.  Enjoy!

WOD for 05-27-16:


A) From 0:00 - 8:00

With a Partner FOR QUALITY:

Partner 1 - 500m Row

Partner 2 - 20 Wall Balls (pick load), 15 Burpees, 10 Pull-ups

Then Partners Switch.


B) From 8:00 - 13:00

Glute Activation + Hip & Ankle Mobility


C) From 13:00 - 43:00

Back Squat (Week 7, Day 2):

3x3 @ 95%



D) From 43:00 - 50:00

With a Partner FOR TIME:

Partner 1 - 500m Row

Partner 2 - 20 Wall Balls (pick load), 15 Burpees, 10 Pull-ups

Then Partners Switch.

The team's time is recorded when the both partners have completed the row and 20-15-10 sequence.

Jenny Morgan