Regionals Day 2 Events Announced!
Day 2 Events for the 2016 CrossFit Games Regionals have been announced and it's shaping up to be a fun and exciting weekend of competition! Check out all the workout details here as we await what Day 3 of the competition will bring.
You can also watch the CrossFit Games Update Show coverage of the 5 events that have been announced thus far (videos included below) - cool stuff for any CF Games fans... and fans of Coach Sarah who will tackle these workouts in just over a week!
WOD for 05-04-16:
7 Rounds, Start Every 3 Minutes:
18/15 Calorie Row
30 Double Unders
5 Power Cleans @ 185/125 lbs
If you cannot finish the prescribed work within the 3-minute interval, you must finish the round you are on, take the next round OFF, and then start again on the following round by dropping the row to the next lowest calorie scaling tier: 18/15 > 15/12 > 12/10.