
Friday's programming gave us an opportunity to utilize a WOD that was unlike any other Friday class in the last 2+ months (thanks to the highly successful back squat program and resulting GAINZ that occupied our Fridays in April and May).  Athletes who came in on Friday were treated to a nasty partner met-con with our good friend, Curtis P, and many may be thinking that the traditional Sweaty Saturday Partner Programming would be on hold for a week.  Well, in this case, you'd be wrong.

Giddy up, get your (sore?) booty in here, and enjoy!  

WOD for 06-11-16:

With a Partner For Time:

1600m Run

150 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft

30 Ground-to-Overhead @ 135/95 lbs


One person working at a time.  Spit/partition the run and reps in any fashion.

Jenny Morgan