Gym Parking: Friday Through Sunday
Some of you have seen the signs that have been placed on our block indicating "No Parking" from Friday through Sunday (June 24 - 26) from 6am until 4pm. This will obviously affect those who attend morning and noon classes on Friday, as well as Saturday and Sunday morning classes.
The best parking alternative during this time will likely be the same suggestion we've posted before - Evans Avenue, just off of Cesar Chavez. Evans is actually a great gym parking option at any time, not just during random periods of "no parking" enforcement (folks who regularly come to Wednesday and Friday noon classes can benefit when street cleaning is in effect up the hill on Connecticut, forcing some of those cars to move down the hill and occupy more of the spots closer to the gym).
Evans Avenue puts you just 1,000 feet or so away from the gym (through two crosswalks), and there's almost always plenty of free parking available - check out a visual orientation by clicking here:
WOD for 06-23-16:
Press in Snatch:
For Quality
2 Power Snatches + 1 Squat Snatch:
5 Sets of (2+1)
"Power Snatch Annie"
For Time:
Power Snatches @ 155/105 lbs
Double Unders
AbMat Sit-ups
(Compare to 06-12-15 and 12-01-13)