Backrocked Obama

Whenever I think about doing barbell rows I think about how strong and jacked my back (hypothetically) looks when performing the movement.  Then, of course, I think about all the different ways to say "jacked" - which inevitably leads me to watching this video for, like, the 30th time (some language NSFW):   

Yup, still funny.

WOD for 06-09-16:

Four-Cone Shuttle For Time:

Teams of Two or Three x 3 Cycles Per Person




(Bent Over) Barbell Row:


For Quality




3 Rounds for Max Reps:

Russian Kettlebell Swings @ 70/53 lbs

Box Jump Overs @ 24/20 in

Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups


There is 45 seconds of work per movement, with 15 seconds of rest/transition time between movements.  Rest 1 minute between rounds.  Score is total reps. 

Jenny Morgan