CrossFit Games Viewing Party: Saturday, July 23rd
As is our yearly tradition, we'll be hosting a 2016 CrossFit Games viewing party at Arena Ready on Saturday afternoon, July 23rd. Come by and join us to watch the top CrossFitters in the world compete for the title of "Fittest On Earth." We'll view/steam the live events on ESPN and will play some of the archived events as well, so as not to miss anyone's favorite athlete, team, or workout from the week's competition.
Please feel free to come by with snacks/drinks/food to share if you like (bringing treats or eats is appreciated but not required), and we'll also have some refreshments on hand. We'll post the party's start time here on the blog in the coming week once the full event schedule is announced. Get excited for some competitive exercise!
Oh, and speaking of professional competitive exercise - the 2016 NPGL season is quickly approaching and Coach Sarah has started preparations prior to her departure for training camp in August. Here's a cool video the GRID League put together as a teaser for the upcoming season (Sarah with a cameo at the 0:14 mark):
WOD for 07-13-16:
With a Partner For Time:
800m Run (Together)
1500m Row (Split)
100 Double Unders (Together)
600m Run (Together)
1000m Row (Split)
75 Double Unders (Together)
400m Run (Together)
500m Row (Split)
50 Double Unders (Together)
The row is split but the runs and double unders are performed together, meaning partners will complete all runs and double under sets simultaneously (i.e. each person must complete the entire run and the entire set of double unders). Teams cannot move on to the next movement until both members have completed the current movement. The rows may be segmented/partitioned/split in any fashion.
(Compare to 12-16-15 and 08-19-14)