Arena Ready Around The Globe: Summer Edition 3.0

The snapshots of Arena Ready athletes traveling around the world and getting their fitness on at a local CrossFit affiliate continues!  We can't get enough of these summertime travel updates, and love that our people are representing AR wherever they go.  Keep sharing, friends, and safe travels to all of our Arena Ready family!

Jess & Mayra getting their WOD in at S2S CrossFit Bali in Indonesia!

Charles dropping-in at Champlain Valley CrossFit in Vermont, home gym of Mat Fraser AKA the 2016 CrossFit Games Champion!  That's Dani Horan, co-owner of the gym, who is also a former CrossFit Games competitor, and was part of the demo team at this year's Games.

WOD for 07-26-16:

Front Squat:




Add to your top set of 5 from Tuesday 07-12-16.




For Time:


Front Squats @ 225/155 lbs


Double Unders


Take the front squats from a rack.  Yes, the squats should be unbroken in order to achieve the intended stimulus.  

Jenny Morgan