Sleep, Stress, and Fat Loss

As a sort of "part two" following yesterday's "All About Sleep" post, we wanted to share another useful article from Precision Nutrition regarding sleep - "Sleep, Stress, and Fat Loss (click here for the full article)."  It's another great read for anyone looking to improve performance, recovery, and quality of life (and really, who isn't?!).   The first few paragraphs may even strike a chord with many of you:

Some of my friends are having trouble losing weight.
I usually ask about their workouts and diets. They’re exercising regularly, and eating healthy.
Then I ask about how much they sleep they get, and if they are feeling stressed.
Turns out they sleep fewer than 4 hours a day and have stress oozing from their eyeballs. I suggest they sleep more, take yoga, and meditate. They snort with laughter.
"Stress makes you a warrior! Sleep means quitting your job and becoming a hippie! I can’t sleep eight whole hours! I have Things To Do! I have to have a 50-child, 3-story-cake, 2-clown, 1-pony, birthday party for my 1 year old. What kind of parent would I be if I didn’t?"
-Helen Kollias (Precision Nutrition)

WOD for 08-04-16:

Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + Overhead Squat:

5 Sets of (1+1+1)

Climbing as technique allows




For Time:


Overhead Squats @ 95/65 lbs


Jenny Morgan