January On-Boarding Starts This Saturday!

Our Winter/January On-Boarding for new member athletes is nearly here, and the free "Introduction to CrossFit" class kicks it off this Saturday at 12:45pm!  If you have a friend, family member, co-worker, or loved one who's been wanting to try us out (AKA they've been forced to listen to you incessantly talk about CrossFit in what sounds to them like Dothraki acronyms) then tell them to sign-up and get their butts over to the gym this Saturday.

For more information on the upcoming On-Boarding, and why it's so important to get in on it now if someone is interested (i.e. we don't do them often thanks to high member retention and an awesome, close-knit community that deserves attentive coaching), click here to read our post from last month.  Due to popular demand we've expanded the upcoming On-Boarding to include some extra spots, so there's still space for those who are interested.        

WOD for 01-12-17:



Across. If possible, add to your 4-rep working weight from 01-06-17.




For Time:

800m Run

100 Walking Lunges

800m Run





Hollow Rocks


The Tabata interval is 0:20 (twenty seconds) of work followed by 0:10 of rest, and is repeated eight times.  Your score is your lowest rep round for the movement.

Jenny Morgan