100 Ways To Say "Jacked"

It seems fitting on this fine Friday to provide a bit of levity, and perhaps a little distraction, for our athletes planning on coming in for some PUMP THERAPY.  Nothing like a crowd favorite WOD from the last couple of years, and some BroScience to hopefully make you forget (even if temporarily) the more more serious matters at hand.

So, in honor of bench press day, here's what a few of you have called your favorite video on the internet: 100 Ways To Say Jacked.

Backrocked Obama indeed.     

Caution: Some Language NSFW, Bro

WOD for 01-20-17:

5 Rounds of:

5 Bench Press (pick load)

8 Evil Wheels OR 16 Hollow Rocks

250m Row Sprint


Rest as needed between rounds.  Record loading for each bench press set and times for every 250m row interval.  The goal is to maintain a pace of  +/-2 seconds for every 250m interval.

(Compare to 05-19-16 and 11-19-15) 

Jenny Morgan