Midweek Inspiration

In CrossFit we're surrounded by sources of inspiration - fellow athletes who push us to be better, a community that supports our constant quest for improvement, coaches who guide us to be stronger and faster.  Inspiration can just as readily come from non-fitness related sources as well, and in today's case we wanted to share a little gem from journalist and author, Hunter S. Thompson.

From a recent post titled "Hunter S. Thompson on Finding Your Purpose":

In April of 1958, a 22 year-old Hunter S. Thompson wrote a letter on the meaning of life when asked by a friend for advice. What makes his response all the more profound is the fact that at the time, the world had no idea that he would become one of the most important writers of the 20th century. Therefore his beliefs about purpose were hypothetical—they were statements of faith.

But if it’s true that our beliefs really do become our reality, then there’s no better example of a life fully realised than the one of Hunter S. Thompson. Let his perspective inspire you...

Click here for the full article courtesy of yourfriendshouse.com.


Tuesday's WOD was intentionally lower intensity and Wednesday's workout is much the opposite.  This four-round sprint interval variation of the classic benchmark "Helen" may make some athletes think "I'll scale up and make it harder with a heavier KB and some chest-to-bar pull-ups"... but that would defeat the purpose of the stimulus for most.  To paraphrase Pat Sherwood, "intensity is unpleasant" -- but it's supremely effective when applied correctly.  In today's age of CrossFit most experienced athletes are doing these KB swings and pull-ups unbroken without issue, so the only way to go faster in this workout is simple: run harder than you want to. That, friends, is intensity.

WOD For 10-04-17:

4 Rounds, Go Every 5 Minutes:

400m Run

21 Kettlebell Swings @ 53/35 lbs

12 Pull-ups


(Workout courtesy of CrossFit Linchpin)




Weighted Plank Hold:

3 x 0:45 (Rest 1:15 Between Efforts)

Jenny Morgan