Thanksgiving Holiday Week Schedule

Reminder that we are closed this Sunday, Nov 19th.

Please see the upcoming holiday week's class schedule - we're open every day Monday through Friday, but with a modified class line-up on Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday:

Monday, Nov 20th

Normal Class Schedule


Tuesday, Nov 21st

Normal Class Schedule


Wednesday, Nov 22nd

Normal Class Schedule EXCEPT 7:00pm class cancelled


Thursday, Nov 23rd (THANKSGIVING DAY)

Holiday CrossFit Class at 8:00am and 9:15am; Gladiators Class at 10:30am


Friday, Nov 24th (BLACK FRIDAY)

Open Gym at 9:00am and 10:00am


Saturday, Nov 25th

Normal Class Schedule


Sunday, Nov 26th

Normal Class Schedule  


WOD For 11-18-17:

With a Partner For Time:


800m Row SPLIT

80 Hang Power Cleans @ 135/95 lbs SPLIT


600m Row SPLIT

60 Front Squats


400m Row SPLIT

40 Push Jerks


Both athletes must run together and the row cannot start until both athletes have completed the preceding run.


The row and barbell movements are one athlete working at a time, shared/partitioned in any fashion by the team - reps do NOT have to be split evenly. 

Jenny Morgan