AR Holiday Party: Saturday, December 16th!
Holiday Party: Saturday, Dec 16th
A friendly reminder that the 6th Annual Arena Ready Holiday Party will be this Saturday, December 16th, We plan on getting started around 4:30pm, hopefully allowing those who have other parties or obligations later that evening to attend. We'll probably wind things down around 8:00pm. Due to the popularity of the party over the years we'll be hosting it downstairs this time to provide more space for us to spread out and celebrate.
Potluck: Paleo or Not!
Back by popular demand we will continue the tradition of making the party a potluck-style shindig, so feel free to bring a dish/treat/drinks to share. Healthy options are of course appreciated but by no means required.
Bring The Fam!
Our holiday parties, like many of our events, are generally family friendly - so bring your loved ones (including little ones) if so desired. That said, we may or may not be revisiting some popular games to test our functional fitness...
Wear a sturdy belt and choose your partner wisely, my friends.
Turn the SOUND UP for full effect at the end
WOD For 12-11-17:
"That Was a Spicy Meat-a-ball-AHH!"
Alternating EMOM For 5 Rounds (25 Minutes):
MIN 1) 15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
MIN 2) 15 Hang Power Snatches @ 95/65 lbs
MIN 3) 21 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft
MIN 4) 21/15 Calorie Row
Score this workout similar to a Tabata. Start with the prescribed rep scheme and hold for as long as possible. Record your LOWEST rep round for each of the four movements, with the best possible score being 15-15-21-21/15 (meaning you held the prescribed reps throughout all 5 rounds of the workout).