BA AR Women Part 1: Coach Alyssa

Part 1 of 2 on our badass Arena Ready women from this past weekend - Coach Alyssa and her amazing "comeback" performance at the 2017 NorCal Masters Competition.  After a more than a year away from any competitive fitness events, battling back against injury and fighting to work her way back into CrossFit, Alyssa entered the competition which draws some of the fittest masters athletes from around the state (and beyond).  With a steady, hard-fought performance throughout the weekend she was able to finish in 24th place overall among a talented field of athletes - and if there were bonus points for technical proficiency in movement we think she would have been near the top for sure.  :-)

A huge congratulations to Alyssa for her incredible achievement, and for showing us once again how tough she really is (not that any of us forgot... 2014 CF Open Thruster/Burpee WOD, anyone?).  You rock, Coach Alyssa, and we're all so very proud of you!        

(Photos courtesy of TJ's Gym & NorCal Masters)

Much like the Front Squat progression that concluded last week, we'll test the deadlift on Thursday.  For those who have made the deadlift strength cycle sessions consistently you've likely set yourself up for a new 1-rep max.  For those who haven't, please keep in mind that a 1-rep max may not be the end goal for the session - a healthy back is far more important than just about any PR (including the ones you haven't really "earned").  

The weights will be there tomorrow... will you?    

WOD for 02-02-17:


Establish Your New 1-Rep Max




AMRAP 9 Minutes:

21 Kettlebell Swings @ 53/35 lbs

15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

9 Pistols (per side, alternating)


The pistols are alternating sides for 9 reps per leg, or 18 total reps per round.  Before you ask - it just looks better to write 21-15-9 than to write 21-15-18.  

Jenny Morgan