For 5 Consecutive Saturdays Starting Feb 25th: The Open At Arena Ready!

Are you IN THE OPEN at Arena Ready?!

Starting on Saturday, February 25th - and for five consecutive Saturdays - our daily WOD will be the current week's Open workout (for those of you who have done The CrossFit Games Worldwide Open at AR previously you know the drill).  On Saturday, February 25th we will do "Open Workout 17.1"... whatever that may be (we shall find out on Thursday, February 23rd at 5pm, along with the rest of the world).  Every Thursday at 5pm the Open workout will be released, and the following Saturday we will do the WOD as a gym during Saturday classes.  

Each Saturday class during this five week time period will consist of multiple heats of the Open workout, and each athlete should expect to do the WOD during one of the heats and also judge a fellow athlete during another heat.  You are, of course, welcome to stay for as long as you like to cheer on other athletes as they tackle the WOD, or continue to help with judging.  These "Open Saturdays" are pretty energetic and are really fun days at the gym - and many AR members like to hang out for a few hours to watch, judge, and cheer for their friends.  We will continue to ask you to sign-in for class, just like any other Saturday, to save your spot during that hour.

If you're not formally entered in The Open you can still do the workouts at AR, and you'll participate in heats just like those of us who are registered for the event.  But if you plan on working out on Saturdays during those five weeks anyway you may as well sign-up and participate (officially) in the fun!


It's one week before the first workout ("17.1") is announced, and it's not too late to register for this awesome worldwide event which you'll be able to participate in with your fellow friends and members at Arena Ready.  You can still register for The Open through the CrossFit Games website here (registration cost is $20):

When registering yourself please be sure to select Arena Ready CrossFit as BOTH your affiliate and your team, so that your profile appears on our team roster.  There are several of you who have already signed-up and are currently registered under our affiliate but NOT under our team - so please double-check!

s always, please let us know if you have any questions.

Brian C documented "Open 16.1" at Arena Ready last year.

WOD for 02-16-17:

"Sid & Nancy"

With a Partner, 5 Rounds For Time:

800m Row

33 Overhead Squats @ 95/65 lbs


Only one athlete working at a time. Reps may be shared in any fashion and do NOT have to split evenly.  Partners MUST tag each other in for every switch.

Jenny Morgan