17.1 Score Submission Deadline Extended
The CrossFit Games website has been experiencing some technical issues, to say the least. As such, they have extended the 17.1 score submission deadline to Wednesday at 5pm Pacific Time. If, by chance, you did Open Workout 17.1 over the weekend and have not yet submitted your score (or I've contacted you about having a score discrepancy versus what we have on record) it's not too late!
Please also double-check to make sure you're registered under Arena Ready CrossFit as YOUR TEAM and not just your affiliate (there are still 15 of you who are not on the team roster): when logged-in click on "HELLO" at the top right of the CrossFit Games website, then select "Join or Switch Team" in the red drop-down menu.
Thank you, folks.
WOD for 03-01-17:
On a Running Clock...
A) From 0:00 - 17:00
For Time (17 Minute Cap):
1000m Run
80 Double Unders
60 Kettlebell Swings @ 53/35 lbs
40 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
20 Overhead Squats @ 115/80 lbs
B) From 17:00 - 20:00
C) From 20:00 - 27:00
Seven Minutes to Establish a Hang Squat Snatch Double
The barbell must be snatch deadlifted to full extension prior to initiating the first rep from the hang, and it cannot be re-set to the floor between the two reps of your double.