A Better Firefighter: Tamara Holmes

Are you in the Open?

Our friend, fellow affiliate owner, and Oakland Firefighter, Tamara Holmes, is.  She's participating in the Open to lead by example for her athletes of all levels, to stay in shape (and ready for anything) for her job, and to see how she stacks up with other firefighters and masters athletes around the world.  She knows she's not winning the CrossFit Games but she's kicking ass in life, getting fitter while doing so, and wants everyone around her to do the same.

Well done, Tamara!   

Sign-up to participate in the Open at Arena Ready with your friends and gym buddies:


Be sure when registering to select Arena Ready CrossFit as BOTH your affiliate AND team!

WOD for 02-07-17:

Alternating EMOM For 5 Rounds (24 Total Minutes):

1) 12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

2) 50 Double Unders

3) 18/15 Calorie Row

4) 12 Hang Power Snatches @ 95/65 lbs

5) Rest


If the C2B pull-ups, dubs, and hang power snatches are easy for you then perform all 5 rounds unbroken. 

Jenny Morgan