17.4 Group Shot
Jenny M was sorely missed this past weekend during Open 17.4 for more reasons than her awesome artistic skills. I tried taking the group shot that Sarah so thoughtfully remembered to snap on her phone and applying a Squarespace filter to it (this one is called "Arizona") - and well... there you have it...
Not so great but at least we documented it, Jenny!
Plus everyone gets a preview of the confusing surprises Bret has in store for us during future iterations of everyone's favorite QoD game... "WHAT COLOR TANK TOP IS...........???!!!"
WOD for 03-21-17:
Back Squat:
Six work sets of six reps, as follows:
A) 14 Minutes For...
6-6-6-6 Climbing to a Top Set*
*Add to your top set from 03-13-17
B) 6 Minutes For...
Two "drop" sets:
1x6 @ 85% of your top set
1x6 @ 80% of your top set
Against a 9-Minute Clock:
500m Row
5 Rounds of "Cindy"
MAX REPS Dumbbell Thrusters @ 50/35 lbs (per side)
1 Round of "Cindy" is: 5 Pull-ups / 10 Push-ups / 15 Air Squats
Score this workout by the number of dumbbell thruster reps completed.