The Final Week: Open 17.5 Announcement on Thursday at 5pm!
Reminder that we'll be viewing the announcement of Workout 17.5 (The FINAL workout of the 2017 Open!!!) at Arena Ready on Thursday at 5pm, just as we have in previous weeks of the Open. Come on by the gym and check it out with us, and then watch the two-time defending champ, Katrin Davidsdottir, do battle against the 3rd place finisher from both 2015 and 2016, Sara Sigmundsdottir, live from Madison, WI, as they tackle 17.5 immediately following the announcement.
AR members who may be traveling this weekend and cannot complete the workout on Saturday or Sunday should also sign-up for Thursday's 7pm "The OPEN" session and do 17.5 before you leave town for that business trip or mini-vacation... get it in, Open Athletes!
What's in store for us in the 2017 finale??!! Dumbbell thrusters? Double Unders? Ring muscle-ups? We shall see...
WOD for 03-23-17:
Sumo Deadlift:
"Heavy Helen"
3 Rounds For Time:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings @ 70/53 lbs
12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
(Compare to 06-21-16)