Workout 17.5 & The End of The Open Got Me Like...
WOD for 03-28-17:
Back Squat:
Six work sets of six reps, as follows:
A) 14 Minutes For...
6-6-6-6 Climbing to a Top Set*
*Add to your top set from 03-21-17
B) 6 Minutes For...
Two "drop" sets:
1x6 @ 85% of your top set
1x6 @ 80% of your top set
Four 2-Minute Cycles For MAX REPS:
200m Run
20 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft
MAX REPS Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
(Rest 2 Minutes)
This is two minutes of work followed by two minutes of rest, repeated for four cycles. Your score is total number of chest-to-bar pull-ups completed.