The Arena of Life

Every now and then a stranger walks by the gym when the doors are all rolled up and the place is jumping with energy, and they usually look both bewildered and intrigued.  They gawk at a warehouse full of people working their asses off doing a bunch of odd looking movements... sweating, screaming at each other in support, and looking like they're one part suffering and one part partying. 

Often times these onlookers will ask me, "Dude, what the hell are y'all trainin' so damn hard for?!"  Sometimes it's followed-up with "is this some sort of co-ed football team or fighting practice?"

My answer is simple, and is usually the same every time.  "Nah, this isn't a sports team.  These are our members.  We're training hard not to suck at life."

WOD for 04-11-17:

Back Squat:

Six work sets of FOUR reps, as follows:

A) 14 Minutes For...

4-4-4-4 Climbing to a Top Set*

*Add to your top set from 04-03-17

B) 6 Minutes For...

Two "drop" sets:

1x4 @ 85% of your top set

1x4 @ 80% of your top set




AMRAP 12 Minutes:

500m Row

20 Box Jumps @ 24/20 in

20 Kettlebell Swings @ 53/35 lbs

20 Toes-to-Bar

20 Kettlebell Goblet Squats @ 53/35 lbs

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