Pre Workout Foam Rolling 101

As many of you know, foam rolling can be a huge help in your regular fitness regimen, but some folks don't have specific routine that effectively covers the most critical areas in preparation for a training session.  I thought it would be helpful to share this video from our friends at Catalyst Athletics which walks you through a quick pre-workout foam rolling series that is a great routine for athletes prior to weightlifting and/or CrossFit training.

Shout out to Greg Everett for putting this video together and for including his usual touches of dry humor peppered throughout the information presented.  Watch and apply to your daily routine at the gym! 

W0D for 04-13-17:

Skill Focus:

Bar Muscle-up




2 Rounds For Time:

44 Overhead Walking Lunges w/Plate @ 45/35 lbs

33 Calorie Row

22 Hang Power Snatches @ 95/65 lbs

11 Bar Muscle-ups

Jenny Morgan