Easter Sunday Schedule
We'll be open with a regular Sunday schedule on Easter (April 16th). Both Open Gym and Barbell classes will be held as usual, so come in and get your workout on this Sunday morning.
Happy weekend, all!
WOD for 04-15-17:
In Teams of Two, For Time:
800m Run
88 Kettlebell Swings @ 70/53 lbs
600m Run
88 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft
400m Run
88 Burpee Box Jump Overs @ 24/20 in
200m Run
Both athletes run simultaneously (i.e. both athletes complete 800-600-400-200m runs) but the 88 reps of each of the three other movements are shared and can be split in any rep scheme (only one person working at time). The KB swings, wall balls, and burpee box jump overs can start as soon as the first athlete completes the preceding run (i.e. teams do NOT have to wait until both athletes have completed the run before starting the next movement).