2017 California Regionals: Congratulations Cassie & Sarah!
CONGRATULATIONS to both Cassie and Sarah for qualifying for the 2017 CrossFit Games California "Super" Regional taking place May 26-28 in Del Mar, CA. Their outstanding performances in the Open have earned them the right to compete with the fittest athletes in the region for a chance to qualify for the CrossFit Games in July.
The Regional competition is an exciting event and anyone who has attended previously (either to cheer on Sarah, Liz, and/or Amy) in prior years is often joined by dozens of other Arena Ready folks to form what has been called "the loudest little cheering section in California." We simply call them "The Arena Ready Mob"... affectionately so, of course.
Since Regional events are the highest-level CrossFit competitions in the world outside of the Games themselves, the weekend is an incredible, action-packed showcase of some of the most impressive athletic performances in the fitness world. If you're interested in attending live & in-person you can start organizing with other Arena Ready members who will be making the trip down on Memorial Day weekend to cheer on our two amazing athletes. If you can't make it down to watch live you can stream the events instead, as the entire competition is broadcast and fully archived, allowing the world's CrossFit and fitness fanatics (and our dedicated Arena Ready supporters) to get their competitive exercise fix on.
We can't wait to watch you two CRUSH IT. GO CASSIE & SARAH!!!
Sarah and I will be at a gymnastics coaching seminar all weekend, so enjoy this doozie of a Saturday WOD and hold down the fort for us! Happy weekend, all!
WOD for 04-22-17:
"Partner Death by Barbell"
10 Rounds For Time, Split With a Partner:
15 Deadlifts @ 135/95 lbs
12 Hang Power Cleans
9 Front Squats
6 Push Jerks
One athlete working at a time. Partner A completes one full round, then Partner B completes one full round, etc. Each athlete completes 5 rounds for a team total of 10 rounds.
Each movement must be fully completed before starting the following movement - e.g. you must stand up the 15th deadlift to full extension at a dead stop before initiating the first hang power clean, and you must stand-up the 12th hang power clean before initiating the first front squat (a hang squat clean will not count as both movements combined), etc.
(Compare to 06-27-16 and 10-05-13)