But It's Back Squat Day?

I think most of you at Arena Ready are accustomed to the way we play around with traditional WODs, or typical strength days/sessions, and turn them slightly on their side for the sake of variance and new adaptations.  Last week the grumbling on back squat day was generally centered around our insistence of running a mile prior to squatting - it was an effort to change the stimulus from what one would traditionally expect on a standard "strength" or "heavy" day.  Or, as some folks in the gym liked to put it so eloquently, another example of us "ruining a perfectly good workout with a bunch of other stuff most of us wouldn't want to do if left to our own devices."  You're welcome.  

Welp, while we're on the subject of playing with the stimulus to see how the system responds - how about performing the same little burner twice on back squat day - first with a partner for quality (AKA easy pace) and then solo for time (AKA as fast as you can).  Throw the back squats in the middle and you've got yourself a constantly varied sandwich of Tuesday fitness.     

WOD for 04-25-17:


A) At 0:00

"Partner Baseline"

For Quality, Split Evenly With a Partner:

1000m Row

80 Air Squats

60 AbMat Sit-ups

40 Push-ups

20 Pull-ups


B) From 15:00 - 35:00

Back Squat:

Six work sets of TWO reps, as follows:

2-2-2-2 Climbing to a Top Set*

*Add to your top set of FOUR reps from 04-18-17

Then, two "drop" sets:

1x2 @ 85% of your top set from today

1x2 @ 80% of your top set from today


C) At 40:00

"Baseline" (Solo)

For Time:

500m Row

40 Air Squats

30 AbMat Sit-ups

20 Push-ups

10 Pull-ups


(Compare to 07-14-15, 01-08-15, 08-04-14, and 02-21-14)

Jenny Morgan