Lost & Found Spring Cleaning

It's that quarterly time again - the gym's Lost & Found has reached a point where many of the items feel like they've been unclaimed for some time.  Gym clothes, shoes, wrist wraps, un-matched knee sleeves, lifting straps, and water/shaker bottles are some of the items that are currently looking for owners.  There are also a few bags of items left throughout the gym that seem like they were intended for exchange but never actually got exchanged (don't worry, we won't donate the puzzles!).  The weightlifting shoe cabinets are also accumulating their regular fill of random things that are not actually weightlifting shoes (or neatly kept belts, jump ropes, or non-stinky sleeves).  We will consolidate said items in the Lost & Found bin (or next to it) this week so that potential owners can claim their stuff - anything left over at the end of next week will be donated to charity.    

Thanks for your attention! 

WOD for 04-04-17:

Behind The Neck Strict Press:


For Quality




Push Jerk:


Climbing as Technique Allows




AMRAP 3 Minutes:

9 Push Jerks @ 155/105 lbs

9 Box Jumps @ 24/20 in


Rest 4 minutes, then...


AMRAP 3 Minutes:

9 Push Jerks @ 155/105 lbs

9 Box Jumps @ 24/20 in


Use a rack for the push jerks. Set-up your equipment with enough safe space for box jumping clear of your neighbors and dropping/missing the barbell if needed. Be mindful when re-racking the barbell so as not to miss the j-hooks. 

Jenny Morgan