One Man's Trash Is Another Man's Gym

Really digging this video that's making the rounds on the internet recently.  Do you think they do synchronized bar facing burpees on the beach?  

Sadly we missed the over/under on number of people in the gym for Monday's WOD, so rowing had to make a Tuesday appearance as well.  Enjoy (at least it's not burpees)!

WOD for 05-02-17:

Back Squat:

Six work sets of TWO reps, as follows:

2-2-2-2 Climbing to a Top Set*

*If possible, add to your top set from 04-25-17

Then, two "drop" sets:

1x2 @ 85% of your top set from today

1x2 @ 80% of your top set from today




For Time:

1000m Row

100 Double Unders

1000m Run


(Compare to 11-12-14)

Jenny Morgan