Yoga's Back Baby... and Dani Too! Hooray!

Dani is back and will be re-starting yoga classes this month - hooray!  To say that her presence at Arena Ready was missed is an understatement, and we're so excited that her cool energy and positive vibe will be back in the building.  Dani will be leading yoga classes on Sunday mornings for the month of May, and her classes are scheduled for the following dates/times:

Sunday, May 7th @ 9:00am

Sunday, May 14th @ 9:00am

Sunday, May 21st @ 9:00am

Sunday, May 28th @ 9:00am

Remember that yoga is available to all Arena Ready members as a part of your membership (there is no charge to attend!) - we simply ask that you sign-up for class in advance so that Dani knows how many to expect, and bring your own mat if you have one (we have a few to borrow if you don't).  All levels of experience are welcome!  

Wondering what to expect at one of Dani's yoga classes?  Click here for a description in her own words (and a silly video that I added to the post... totally not her doing on that front LOL).  

WOD for 05-05-17:

Alternating EMOM For 4 Rounds (24 Minutes):

Minute 1) 18/15 Calorie Row

Minute 2) 18 Russian Kettlebell Swings @ 70/53 lbs

Minute 3) 12 Push Jerks @ 115/80 lbs

Minute 4) 12 Toes-to-Bar

Minute 5) 200m Run

Minute 6) REST 


The goal is to maintain all 18-18-12-12 reps across the four movements, and to complete the run within the given minute for every round.  If you fail to complete 18 and/or 12 reps of a movement within the given minute, immediately move on to the next movement and then attempt to maintain the reduced rep count for that "failed" movement for the remainder of the workout.  

For example, if you can only complete 10 Push Jerks within the given minute, move on to the Toes-to-Bar immediately, and then attempt to maintain 10 Push Jerks for the remainder of the WOD.  Your score is the lowest number for all four movements, with best possible score being "18(15 women)-18-12-12." 

Want to dial up the intensity?  Do everything unbroken and sprint the run.

Jenny Morgan