BTWB & Facebook: Get Dialed In!

We have a handful of new folks, and even some old vets, who have yet to start using BTWB, and who may not be connected with us via our private Facebook group.  So it's about time for some friendly reminding & encouragement!

BTWB (Beyond The Whiteboard)

If you're a member at Arena Ready and you're not taking advantage of tracking your progress in Beyond The Whiteboard then get on it!

One of the coolest aspects of CrossFit training is that it's a measurable, observable, and repeatable means of increasing one's general fitness and physical preparedness.  And utilizing BTWB as a tool to track your progress is crucial to realizing how far you've come, and how far you can still go!  Please email us if you aren't already using BTWB so we can send you an invite to create your account.

We pay for the BTWB service so it's available at no cost to our members.  There's also a mobile app included so you can log your results on your phone before you even leave the gym.  When you joined the gym we had the BTWB system email you an invite (it should have arrived on the same day as your "Welcome to Arena Ready - Getting Started" email from me), but if for some reason you overlooked it just let us know and we can re-invite you.  

AR Private Facebook Group

We often use the private Arena Ready Facebook group (this is separate from our public Arena Ready Facebook page) to communicate gym news, organize events, or just have fun posting things for our friends and fellow athletes & coaches.  If you're not already in the group please contact us so we can add you.

WOD for 06-13-17:


10 Rounds of 1 Minute for Max Reps Lateral Bar Burpees:

8 Deadlifts @ 135/95 lbs

6 Hang Power Cleans

4 Front Squats

2 Push Jerks

...then, in the remaining time within the minute...

Max Reps Lateral Bar Burpees

(REST 1 Minute)


This workout is 1 minute of work, then 1 minute of rest for 10 rounds (20 total minutes).  During each work minute the athlete must complete the reps for the four barbell movements then use any remaining time to complete as many lateral bar burpees as possible.  Score is total number of lateral bar burpees.

(Compare to 03-14-16 and 08-05-15)  

WOD for 06-13-17:


10 Rounds of 1 Minute for Max Reps Lateral Bar Burpees:

8 Deadlifts @ 135/95 lbs

6 Hang Power Cleans

4 Front Squats

2 Push Jerks

...then, in the remaining time within the minute...

Max Reps Lateral Bar Burpees

(REST 1 Minute)


This workout is 1 minute of work, then 1 minute of rest for 10 rounds (20 total minutes).  During each work minute the athlete must complete the reps for the four barbell movements then use any remaining time to complete as many lateral bar burpees as possible.  Score is total number of lateral bar burpees.


(Compare to 03-14-16 and 08-05-15)  

Jenny Morgan