Saturday Classes: Trial Gap Times

As mentioned in our recent post to the community in the private Arena Ready Facebook group, we are testing a few measures to help with logistics for our members, which we hope will make some things slightly more convenient for both athletes and coaches alike, and perhaps even a bit safer overall.  

This Saturday, July 15th, we'll be experimenting with 15-minute "gap times" between popular classes in an effort to help with:

A) parking turnover for our members (i.e. athletes who just finished up a class can then vacate the parking spaces for athletes arriving for the next class)

B) coaching logistics (i.e. a bit more time for our coaches and staff to organize the groups effectively)

C) more time officially for a bit of friendly chatting (let's be honest you're happy to see each other, it's awesome to feel that friendly energy in the building, and we feel slightly bad that our attempts at corralling the next class to get started puts a damper on what is, in effect, one of the best parts of our community).

So for this Saturday our class start times will be 8:00am (start time unchanged), 9:15am, 10:30am, and 11:45am (Gladiators class).  Keep in mind this is an experiment, so for now this will only apply to this Saturday's classes. We'll see how the flow of things affects the various points mentioned above, so if you have strong feelings on the subject don't hesitate to reach out to us directly to discuss.  Similarly if you have any questions, concerns, or feedback whatsoever please feel free to contact me/Sarah and we'd be happy to chat.

Thank you!     

WOD for 07-11-17:

7 Rounds, Start Every 3 Minutes:

7 Deadlifts @ pick load

7 Box Jumps @ 30/24 in

21/17 Calorie Row Sprint


Build to a challenging weight for the deadlift in your warm-up and then attempt to use the same weight across all seven rounds for the workout - deadlift reps do not have to be unbroken, however technique and position must be solid throughout (keep 'em pretty!). Be explosive on the box jumps but don't rush the reps. Row hard and fast. Lean in to the "creep" effect. ;-)

Jenny Morgan