Nutrition Talk Turnout!

Thanks to everyone who attended Sarah's Nutrition Talk on Tuesday evening - we had a great turnout and there was a lot of information covered.  The talk was streamed to Facebook Live in the private Arena Ready Facebook group, so if you're interested you can go back and watch it at your convenience (you'll just need to bear with the less than ideal acoustics).

Thanks also to Vivian for capturing a few images of the talk!

WOD For 08-17-17:

On a Running Clock...

A) From 0:00 - 8:00

AMRAP 8 Minutes:

20 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft

10 Hand Release Push-ups

10 Toes-to-Bar


B) From 11:00 - 31:00

Back Squat:


Use the rep scheme to build to a heavy single top set.


C) From 34:00 - 40:00

Weighted Plank Hold:

3 x 0:45 (Rest 1:00 Between Efforts)

Add to last week 08-11-17 if possible.

Jenny Morgan