August Yoga Classes

Dani will be teaching yoga classes in August on the following dates:

Sunday 8/13 at 9am

Monday 8/14 at 7pm

Monday 8/21 at 7pm

Sunday 8/27 at 9am

 For what to expect during one of Dani's yoga classes click here to read a previous post.  Remember that yoga is available to all Arena Ready members as a part of your membership (there is no charge to attend!) - we simply ask that you sign-up for class in advance so that Dani knows how many to expect, and bring your own mat if you have one (we have a few to borrow if you don't).  All levels of experience are welcome!   

WOD For 08-04-17:

Back Squat:


The goal is three heavy singles, each followed by a “down set” of multiple (and ascending) repetitions.  The athlete should build to their first single with 3-4 warm-up sets, and then once the first single is taken there should be no “in-between” or “test” sets during the SIX total work sets.  Since this type of session requires the athlete to “go by feel” some will inevitably ask for advice on loading - here is a rough idea of what a typical progression might look like for someone who squats approximately 250 lbs as a 1RM (keeping in mind that athletes will vary!):

Empty Bar + Three to Four Warm-up Sets, then…
1 @ 225 lbs
3 @ 205 lbs
1 @ 235 lbs
5 @ 200 lbs
1 @ 240 lbs
7 @ 195 lbs

Keep your rest strict at approx 1:30 - 2:00 between sets.  There is no “rule” about the singles going up or down in weight, and the same goes for the sets of 3, 5, and 7 (they can go slightly up, go slightly down, or stay the same) - it all depends on the individual athlete and how they feel today.  Take what’s there today, come back tomorrow.  

(Compare to 09-14-16)




"The BEEFY Baseline"

For Time:

500m Row

40 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft

30 Toes-to-Bar

20 Hand Release Push-ups

10 Bar Muscle-ups

Jenny Morgan