Happy Weekend!

Thanks to our team of coaches for holding it down while Sarah and I are in Chicago for a seminar this weekend.  Not to worry, the Sweaty Saturday Team Specials don't stop when we're not there... enjoy this spicy meatball of a WOD!

WOD For 09-23-17:

In Teams of Three Athletes...

For Time:

100 Calorie Row

100 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

80 Calorie Row

80 Deadlifts @ 155/105 lbs

60 Calorie Row

60 Front Squats 

40 Calorie Row

40 Push Jerks 

20 Calorie Row

20 Clusters (AKA "Squat Clean Thrusters") 


Only one athlete working at a time. Reps may be partitioned in any fashion and do NOT have to be split evenly.

(Compare to 08-13-16)

Jenny Morgan