New Year. Old Stuff.

Count this as Year Six in my promise to never hit you with a "New Year. New You!" blog post.

But I will give you a "New Year. Old Stuff." post which shall serve as a reminder that the growing pile of forgotten belongings in our Lost & Found bin deserves some 2018 love and consideration.  Make sure to take a peak and check out what's in there to confirm that none of it is yours.  Anything near the Lost & Found bin that is clearly marked and/or sorted in bags is likely there for pick-up by a specific person (e.g. for Lavinia's kiddos at her school program), so leave those be, por favor.

Anything not claimed by the end of next week will be sent for donation.  Or perhaps claimed by one of the in-house athletes (who shall not be named) who have been eyeing specific items in the bin and asking me for weeks to please post about the Lost & Found because OMG that awesome (fill in the blank) has been in there for like 4 months and IT DESERVES SOMEONE'S AFFECTION.     

WOD For 01-03-18:

AMRAP 15 Minutes:

3 Strict Ring Dips

6 Burpee Box Jumps @ 30/24 in

9 Kettlebell Swings @ 70/53 lbs





Medicine Ball Sit-ups

Jenny Morgan