Holiday Week Schedule

Please find our planned schedule for this week, and note that this is PENDING satisfactory air quality and MAY BE CHANGED as needed for safety purposes due to the constantly shifting Air Quality Index.

Tuesday, November 20th:

Normal class schedule.

Lots of time with the barbell to limit heavy breathing.

Wednesday, November 21st:

Normal class schedule EXCEPT 7pm class cancelled.

Assuming the forecasted rain arrives and provides air quality relief expect an increased aerobic stimulus to compliment Tuesday’s time with the barbell.

Thursday, November 22nd (Thanksgiving Day):

TBD depending on air quality & weather (we’ll update you again on Wednesday evening)


Thanksgiving Holiday Classes — 8:00am and 9:15am (@ Arena Ready)


Thanksgiving Holiday Turkey Trot — Time TBD (@ the track)

Friday, November 23rd:

Open Gym at 9:00am and 10:00am

Saturday, November 24th:

Normal Saturday class schedule.

Sunday, November 25th:

Normal Sunday Open Gym schedule.

Please let us know if you have any questions, and thanks for your attention.

WOD For 11-20-18:

With a Partner For Quality AND Load:

Bench Press:


Power Clean:


Partners use the same bench press bar and power clean bar, changing the weight between sets as needed.

Both partners work toward a top set of 3 for both movements.

Touch-and-go is not required for the power cleans.

Jenny Morgan