Thankful For All of You

Turkey Day WOD

If you've already signed-up for a Thursday class, and realize at some point that you can't make it, please cancel ASAP so someone else can take your spot.  We kindly ask that you don't double-book, and try your best not to late cancel or no-show (yes, we can see who does all of these things) - if you're on the waitlist then we consider you in!  

Help us make it possible for everyone to get their workout in, and for everyone to have a great experience.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation.   

With that out of the way, what are we thankful for?  Hopefully that's obvious.....

Thankful For You

In our world it seems much is taken for granted, many people don't have enough, families are frequently torn apart, and fitness and health become afterthoughts.

We are so thankful that this is our job, that you are our friends, and that CrossFit has become a part of our lives.

We hope that this workout makes you hungry enough to thoroughly enjoy Thanksgiving dinner. We hope that the people you work out with make you happy.  And most of all we hope that there are things you can be thankful for today.  

REMINDER about our Holiday Week schedule for the remainder of this week:

Friday, November 23rd:

Open Gym at 9:00am and 10:00am

Saturday, November 24th:

Normal Saturday class schedule.

Sunday, November 25th:

Normal Sunday Open Gym schedule.

WOD For 11-22-18:

With a Partner, 5 Cycles of 4:00 Work / 1:00 Rest For Max Rounds:

9 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft

7 Ground-to-Overhead @ 95/65 lbs

5 Lateral Bar Burpees

This is “you go, I go” format — complete one FULL round then switch.

At the start of each cycle pick-up exactly where you left off.

Jenny Morgan