More Math, More Fitness (and Register For The Open)

Saturday's WOD is going to require a lot of fitness, teamwork, communication, and arithmetic skillz (with a "Z" yo).  So as not to distract everyone with a long Open propaganda post I'll keep it simple and just leave this right here:  

WOD For 02-10-18:

"More MATH, More Fitness"

In Teams of THREE, For TOTAL Time:

BUY-IN: 100 Calorie Row (FMM Teams = 90 Cal / FFM = 80 Cal / FFF = 70 Cal)

... then...

A) 30 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft (EACH ATHLETE COMPLETES 3 ROUNDS)

B) Max Reps Toes-to-Bar

C) Max Reps Hang Power Cleans @ 135/95 lbs


One person working at a time on the row, and calories do NOT have to be split evenly.

Once the row is completed, Athlete A completes 30 wall balls while Athlete B performs max reps of toes-to-bar and Athlete C completes max reps of hang power cleans.  Once Athlete A is done with 30 reps of wall balls everyone rotates as such: 

A > B, B > C, C > A

Continue until ALL THREE ATHLETES HAVE COMPLETED 3 ROUNDS OF 30 WALL BALLS, at which point time is called.

The team must continuously count the total reps of toes-to-bar and hang power cleans through the entire workout.  Each rep of toes-to-bar and hang power cleans counts as one second SUBTRACTED from the team's time to complete the workout - this "adjusted" time is the team's official score.

So... go fast, do lots of reps, and be good at math.  Easy, right?

(I'm not sure I'm even going to attempt to put this one into BTWB for scoring... LOL)

Jenny Morgan