Open 18.5: Any Guesses?
EVANS AVENUE PARKING REMINDER During Construction on Connecticut Street (click for details).
The trending prediction for 18.5 seems to be dumbbell thrusters and chest-to-bar pull-ups, either in ascending ladder AMRAP format or repeating-time-segments. What say you?
Dave Castro (Director of the CrossFi Games) announced that the CrossFit public will be able to vote on what 18.5 will be by choosing from three options he'll reveal at 3pm PDT on Thursday. If you're traveling this weekend and you need to do 18.5 on Thursday night our 7pm "The OPEN" class is the time to get it done -- so sign-up in advance if this means you!
WOD For 03-22-18:
Bent Over Barbell Row:
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
2 Ring Muscle-ups
10 Medicine Ball Sit-ups @ 20/14 lbs
12 KB Snatches @ 53/35 lbs (6 Right then 6 Left)