Coach Kate's Barbell Tune-up Shop
Following our GM Dani's facilitation of the servicing of all our Concept2 Rowers and Assault Air Bikes Coach Kate has been methodically working on servicing all of our barbells at the gym - cleaning the collars, sleeves, and bushings/bearings and re-lubricating the parts so they spin like new. Thanks, Kate, for helping make our Olypmic lifts feel snappy and crisp on the bar! Remember that if a barbell seems like it's spinning slowly or feels "off" for some reason please let us know so that we can take a look and address it ASAP.
Kate's help with our barbells reminds me to re-post a little barbell etiquette reminder from years past - so here you go:
Every few months (without fail) someone sends me this video, usually when they've first discovered its existence on the internet:
Turn up the sound for full cringeworthy effect
I think people just like the thought of me cringing, or get a kick out of imagining my head about to explode. If you think I'm bad, you should see Coach Hillary when she sees/hears someone drop an un-loaded barbell - I usually leave the room because I fear for my life at that point.
On rare occasions someone who thinks dropping an un-loaded bar is the norm asks me "hey, what's the big deal anyway?!" Maybe they did it at their old gym. Maybe they've seen a video or been around a situation like the one above and just feel like they should be able to drop the un-loaded barbell too - I'm here to tell you to CUT THAT ISH OUT ASAP. It breaks the barbell, and sadly I need to inform you that you're not competing at the World Championships of Olympic Weightlifting. The day you can snatch three times your bodyweight you have my permission to drop every single bar at the gym and I'll pick them all up for you while apologizing that we have so many.
Roger Federer uses a brand new, freshly strung tennis racket for about 12 minutes and then never touches it again - he's welcome to smash that racket afterwards, break it in half, or donate it to a kid (that's probably what actually he does). People at a public park or private tennis club would either think you were careless or an asshole if they saw you dropping your racket, bashing it against the floor, or tossing it around like you were never going to use it again. In most cases they would be right - so pretty please STOP THE BARBELL DROPPING.
Here's a nice little video courtesy of (who else) Coach Hillary on how to unload a barbell properly without dropping it:
And while we're already on the topic, why not include our original post on Barbell Etiquette in general. This may be helpful for new folks, as well as the old vets who still don't abide by the code that the rest of us try to uphold...
Barbell Etiquette
Here are a few friendly reminders regarding barbell use and etiquette in the gym. A few items can go a long way for helping to keep the barbells spinning well (and lasting a long time), and you and your fellow athletes safe. We're fortunate at Arena Ready to have mindful and courteous athletes/members, but a little reminding never hurts anyone.
First, regarding the barbells and bumper plates themselves:
- Please do not drop an empty (unloaded) bar, or allow a loaded bar to skip into the wall or pull-up rig. Yes, I know they drop empty bars in the training room at the World Championships (see video above), but like many things you've seen on Youtube that you shouldn't do yourself, this move is not OK. When we coach at Nationals or Americans some of the lifters do it there too, and they all look like assholes. Dropping the empty bar breaks the bushing/bearing thereby rendering it unable to spin during the lifts (snatches, cleans, etc), and that can present some major safety issues for athletes. What's the big deal about the bars spinning you may ask? Try snatching or cleaning with a cheap bar from a commercial gym and let me know how that goes for you (kidding, don't actually do that).
- Wipe off any blood, skin, excessive sweat, etc with a disinfectant wipe immediately after barbell use. And if you notice you're bleeding during a workout please tend to it immediately (i.e. before continuing the WOD) - there is Bactine spray, bandages, and athletic tape next to the gym desk. Just let a coach know you need them and we're happy to help. Contrary to what you might see on social media, bleeding all over the place during a workout is not badass, it's just gross... and unsafe.
- Put the collars (AKA "clips") on for all your lifts, and load the heaviest plates on the inside.
- Use as few plates as possible. I know it's fun to load seven 10s on each side, but it makes you look like a noob - so please roll out the bigger plates when you take your jumps in weight. This is where it helps to lift with a buddy and share the task of loading and unloading plates.
- Dropping a bar from overhead loaded with just a pair of 10s will eventually bend and break the 10s, so please refrain from doing so. If you have a bar loaded with just a pair of 10s then lower it to thigh-level under control and then drop it. Too tired to do so? Then it's too heavy for you.
- The Olympic-style weightlifting kilo plates (think rainbow colors) and accessory equipment on/near the platforms should be used for only that - Olympic weightlifting on the platforms (when they're down).
- There is an Eleiko competition bar on the floor behind the weightlifting platforms, as well as other assorted weightlifting-specific barbells. If you have competed in a national-level Olympic weightlifting meet, or have posted a competition total high enough to do so, then feel free to use it for your lifts. If not, please leave it alone (yes, it's supposed to be stored lying flat on the floor like that). If I see it leaning against a wall vertically, racked in a squat rack, stored on the wall racks with the CrossFit/Rogue bars, or being used in a CrossFit WOD my head may actually explode and the gym will thus be closed indefinitely.
Second, regarding lifting the barbells in class with your fellow athletes:
- Don't ghost ride the bar. We drop (loaded) barbells like ladies and gentlemen at Arena Ready. Control it down or follow it with open hands and settle it on the first bounce. People who ghost ride bars in CrossFit are like people who drive big ass trucks in order to compensate for lacking in other areas. They should wear T-shirts that say "My ghost riding barbell expresses what my lifts cannot."
- During a lifting session or barbell class try to avoid walking directly in front of someone taking a big lift. It's distracting and shows poor form. Safety-wise please also avoid walking next to, or directly behind, someone taking a big lift. In CrossFit WODs the etiquette is a bit different, since we're on the clock and often have to quickly transition between different movements - in this case we simply ask that you be a good neighbor and look out for one another.
- High five or fist bump your fellow athletes when they hit a PR. Or clap. Or cheer and shout. Then tell them to hit the PR Gong. After all this is supposed to be fun, and we're lucky enough to have a bunch of cool and interesting people to train with and become better.
- Anytime someone hits the PR Gong (and you hear that unmistakable sound) you MUST immediately stop what you're doing and respectfully bow, with hands pressed together. Bow to respect the PR. Bow to respect the hard work it took for your fellow athlete to achieve the PR. Bow because dammit it's funny as hell when a room full of people in a noisy ass gym stops everything and bows at the same time. Coaches reserve the right to issue burpee penalties to non-bowing athletes.
Any questions? Feel free to ask away or pick our brains at the gym. We are always happy to help and I'd rather you ask us than wonder if something is acceptable or not.
Happy lifting!
WOD For 05-12-18:
"Beyond The Whiteboard Error 404"
With a Partner For MAX POINTS in 22 Minutes:
50 Calorie Row, Ski, or AA Bike* (MF = 44 Cal, FF = 38 Cal)
50 Reps Pull-ups / Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups / Bar Muscle-ups (1 / 2 / 3 points)
50 Calorie Row, Ski, or AA Bike
50 Reps Front Squats / Overhead Squats / Thrusters @ 135/95 lbs (1 / 2 / 3 points)
50 Calorie Row, Ski, or AA Bike
50 Reps Power Cleans / Clean & Jerks / Power Snatches @ 135/95 lbs (1 / 2 / 3 points)
-Only one person working at a time (no tagging required).
-The athlete decides which of the 3 available movements to complete for each "rep" in order to score "points" (only 50 "reps" are allowed for each set of movements), and the athlete can switch back and forth between movements as they wish.
-The teams must keep a running score of their points, with the most possible points per set of movements being 150 (50 "reps" x 3 "points" each = 150 points).
-Only the last row/ski/bike the team begins counts as points (in which case each calorie is 1 point). In other words, if you're ending on the row/ski/bike those are counting as points and if you're ending on the bar or barbell then your last row/ski/bike counted as points.
-If the team completes the full 300 "reps" before 22 minutes expires they start again at the top.