Clothing Swap Reminder 3 of 4

The clothing swap items at the gym have grown and include some pretty sweet gear, including several pairs of nearly brand new (maybe they'e actually completely new?) Reebok Nano and Nike Metcon training shoes, new or nearly new baby clothes, and some fancy baby and toddler toys (somehow the swap expanded into different departments of goods).

If you're interested pop upstairs in AR South (that's the main gym side), check out the loot, take anything that you can use, and (if you wish) leave anything you think could find a potential new owner.  

Here's the original post courtesy of Coach Kate:

Clothing Swap at AR!

I've put a bin upstairs, next to the cubbies, for clothes swapping. It might be a bit small, but something to get started. Add and subtract as desired. I'll donate everything (including the lost and found) before the AR move.

There's demand for a men's clothing swap too, I'll drum up another container for the boys. Guys, bring some clothes to share!

WOD For 05-17-18:

"The Lyon"

5 Rounds, Each For Time of:

7 Squat Cleans @ 165/110 lbs

7 Shoulder-to-Overheads

7 Burpee Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

(REST 2 Minutes Between Rounds)


*The 2 minutes of rest between rounds is mandatory and athletes are responsible for timing their own rest periods and round start/end times.

*Ideally use a pull-up bar that is at least 6 inches above your max reach.

*Official score for the workout is the time for EACH round, HOWEVER in the gym we will also score this as your TOTAL time including rest periods.

(Hero workout courtesy of

Jenny Morgan