AR Pride Shirts For a Cause


The new Arena Ready "Pride" shirts arrived on Wednesday and some of you have already snagged one, or even a few styles.  There are FIVE different "styles" of shirts if we're going off of the shirt manufacturer's descriptors: the Unisex T-shirt, the Unisex Baseball Tee, the Men's Tank Top, the Women's Muscle Shirt, and the Women's Tank Top. 

There are a lot of shirts for sale as we knew these would be popular but I would still try to get in to the gym ASAP to purchase one since nothing was done on a pre-order basis.  The shirts are currently all sorted by style and by size, alongside our latest AR "Athlete in The Arena" shirts - please help by keeping everything folded and organized so that everyone has an easy time finding the right items. 

You may purchase the shirts on the iPad register at the gym - kindly choose the "Pride" shirts vs. the regular shirts during checkout - ask a coach if you have any questions.  It's important that your purchases be made/processed correctly as the proceeds for the sale of every AR Pride shirt will be donated to the "Bay Area Girls Rock Camp" in Cash Askew's memory.

From the "Bay Area Girls Rock Camp" website (which played a major role in Cash's life):

Bay Area Girls Rock Camp is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that empowers young people through music, promoting an environment that fosters self-confidence, creativity and teamwork. Although our camp centers the experiences of young women, we are committed to gender justice and creating an inclusive environment that supports a wide range of marginalized gender identities and expressions.

BAGRC challenges gender stereotypes, encourages collaboration and tolerance among peers, and provides a comfortable space for people of all backgrounds to express themselves. Through music lessons, workshops, group activities, and performances, rock campers acquire skills that help guide them throughout their lives.

WOD For 06-21-18:

2 Snatch (High) Pulls + 2 Power Snatches:

12 minutes to build to a top set (NOT a max)


Climb only as your technique allows. Doing this incorrectly at progressively heavier weight simply helps to reinforce your bad habits in the snatch.

For the snatch high pulls focus on a vertical leg drive and tall finish by continuing to push through the floor at the top. The bar should stay close to the torso, with elbows up & out.  At the top you should not be falling or leaning back, leaning forward over the bar, leaving the ground with your feet, or re-bending your legs. 

For the power snatch focus on replicating the same tall, vertical leg drive and close proximity of the bar immediately after contact with the hips - but then add the active pull under to receive the bar overhead.




2 Rounds For Time:

20 Power Snatches @ 115/80 lbs

50 Double Unders

20 Toes-to-Bar

50 Double Unders

Jenny Morgan